Today, newspapers in London report that “one person a week in Britain is killed by a psychiatric patient”, and 25 a week commit suicide. Most of these murders are committed by patients whom mental health workers have diagnosed as low-risk. National Director for Mental Health in England, professor Louis Appleby, said the problem was that psychiatrists and psychologists deal with such an overwhelming number of violent, high-risks patients everyday that they become desensitized. “Desensitization” occurs when “psychiatric staff become used to dealing with very high-risk patients and so fail to notice warning signs when one is becoming dangerously ill,” said Appleby. Professor Appleby chaired an independent inquiry to find out why mental health care in the UK was failing. The findings were published in a report entitled “Avoidable Deaths”. The report states that 10% of the murder victims were strangers and 90% were friends, carers or family members of the patients. Figures in England and Wales also show that there is an increase in the number of homicides involving people with “dual diagnosis” – that is, a patient who has been diagnosed with both a mental illness and a drug or alcohol addiction.
Only one in five murders? Probably all five murders in the week were committed by mentally ill people, only the other four managed to remain anonymous and functional enough not to have ended up under mental health care in the first place. It makes sense really that someone who has the audacity to take human life, whether another persons or their own would have to be insane. Sane people use the faculty of reason and analysis too well. Sane people often think of murdering, but rationality and practicality stop them before the final act. In the mentally unstable, there are often times when that faculty of reason disappears completely and they operate on emotion alone. Their ability to think about things from an observer’s perspective leaves them and they become the centre of the universe, the creator and perpetuator of the drama of life. The finger of God.The only way to stop the show is to end a life. Regardless of the consequences.
Desensitization certainly adds to the dilemma of the mentally ill person. Imagine that you have a cold and you sneeze hoping that your boss or teacher will see you sneezing enough times to tell you to go home and rest till you are better. You sneeze, but the pupil next to you is coughing blood. Nobody notices you. You continue to be seen by the rest of the office/school as just another pupil who should show up for work/class. You are expected to perform as well as others who are not sick.
These days, every 10th person I talk to has been diagnosed with some form of mental illness. When ‘mad’ people talk, they try to top each other’s crazy antics. If one person tells a story about how she overdosed on valium, another person will brag about how last weekend he fantasized about pushing his 4 year-old daughter onto the train tracks, and another might go on about how she is in anger management for breaking her mother’s jaw. So if I were a doctor and had to choose which of the three would get the last bed in my unit, it would seem that the woman who broke her mother’s jaw would be my best bet. After all, hers was an actual act of violence and not just a fantasy right? That’s how desensitization works. We look at a person talking to imaginary animals or banging their fists against their head and we go: “He just needs some attention. He’s just acting out. He’ll be ok in a while.” Low-risk behavior.
We look at someone who is smashing kittens against the wall or threatening to bite people’s noses off. “Ooh better put him in a straightjacket!” High-risk behavior. But the truth is, the man standing in the corner in his pajamas laughing his head off is as likely to stick a kitchen knife in your gut as the man mutilating puppies. All mad people are similar in their madness, the missing piece is the same, the only thing that is different is the behavioral symptoms they choose to display. Grandiosity, mania, paranoia and depression are the four main feelings that dominate the unbalanced mind. When either of the four feelings or a combination of them grow large enough to block out logical thought, a person will be capable of murder or suicide.
The Observer reports that victims are nearly always family members. That makes perfect sense. For the average unthinking insane person, the process of surveillance and selection is usually too much of a mental effort. Only someone whose analytical abilities were focused could muster enough energy to scan a crowd and choose a potential victim. That would indicate a certain amount of emotional detachment (that is something that most mental patients lack.) Calculated crime is usually committed by sociopaths and not your average mentally ill person. I will talk more about sociopathology another time, as I believe that sociopaths are not afflicted with any of the four main feelings of grandiosity, mania, paranoia or depression, but are a subspecies who have brain structures closer to reptiles than mammals. Sociopatholgy is characterized by the lack of emotion rather than the intensity of it.
Therefore, your average mental patient will kill a family member simply because they are the most accessible and being around that particular family member probably brings about the greatest sense of grandeur, mania, paranoia or depression in the mentally ill person and they feel that by removing the person, they will be able to remove the intensity of their emotional anguish.
The mentally insane are simple. In all their lunacy, they are more childish than the sane. If I were asked to find a common trait among the mentally unstable, it would be childlikeness. They are very naïve and self-centered. Their childlikeness makes them more uninhibited than sane folks and allows them to believe that they are innocent and guiltless no matter what they do. Hence they feel they have the right to take human life.
As for dual diagnosis, it doesn’t take an expert in psychology to see why drug and alcohol abuse would go hand in hand with mental illness. When a person experiences emotions beyond his coping ability, he will want to numb those intense feelings by putting himself in a drug altered state. A drug-induced altered state which to a normal person seems abnormal and uncomfortable, will feel normal to the chemically imbalanced person, whose own natural state feels more abnormal and uncomfortable than that induced by any drug. To a mad person, being drunk, high or stoned is actually more manageable than how living in his head feels without chemicals. So drugs and alcohol are to the abnormal mind what air and water are to the normal mind. Mad people crave drugs and alcohol in order to feel “just about aye-ok”. They are addicted because they need to escape the irregularities of their emotions and peculiarity of their sensory experiences. It is frightening being mad and the drugs and alcohol take the edge off that fear.
So are the one in five murders committed by mad people really “avoidable deaths”? I think not. Chemically imbalanced individuals are God’s way of controlling the population. When a society, race or nation is not doing the will of God, he activates the ‘kill switch’ in the mentally ill for population control. Madness, like cancer and AIDS is painful for those living with it. The difference is, with cancer and AIDS, it is the body that degenerates, with insanity, it is the spirit that degenerates.