First the niqab and now the cross. British Airways check-in worker Nadia Eweida is on unpaid leave because she refused to hide the cross that she wore around her neck. According to BA staff regulations, religious jewellery like crucifixes can only be worn underneath their clothes.
To a Christian, the cross symbolizes that they belong to Christ, that they are his followers and they believe in his teachings. Just as the niqab symbolizes faithfulness to Allah and suscription to the five pillars of Islam. Governments attack religion to no end, blaming Catholicism, Judaism, Islam and Buddhism for wars and bloodshed. How far this is from the truth. Religion is the only thing left that reminds us of our humanity and our need for order and guidance. The real culprits for wars are corrupt governments and unethical businesses. It is the god of money and commerce that forces us to remove our crosses and headscarves. It is the god of tourism and corporatism that insists on turning us all into clones.
Men will blow up buses, towers and planes, soldiers will rape innocent civilian and people will die whether or not Heathrow is full of veiled women and crucifix wearing check-in staff. Everybody has the right to display and proclaim his or her religious affiliation. I do not believe for a moment that Muslims and Jews will chance upon the image of a 33 year old man pinned to a cross and be inspired to kill Christians. Nor do I believe that a Catholic or Protestant will bludgeon a woman to death simple because she wears a niqab. Anyone who assumes that religious artifacts are the cause of ethnic or cultural conflict is obviously not acquainted with God. God delights in differences, any sign or symbol of reverence for what is unseen and otherworldly is lauded by him.
Governments and corporations who attempt to inhibit religious expression are laying the foundations for their own hell. The Christians answer to their Lord Jesus Christ and Muslims are accountable to Allah. I wonder to whom these big wigs who laid down the BA dress code feel they are accountable to? Their boss who makes sure they get to keep their Jaguar perhaps? Or maybe no one?
anurag pandey
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